PowerGP Online Partner Training Series

PowerGP Online Partner Training
Njevity is happy to announce that PowerGP Online Private Cloud editions are now available and ready for your customers.  With three new editions, there is a PowerGP Online Edition for EVERY Customer!
Njevity invites you to join presenters Chris Dobkins, Pam Misialek and Belinda Allen for a four part How to Be a PowerGP Online Partner Rock Star webinar series exclusively for Partners to learn the ins and outs of the NEW PowerGP Online.

What’s Exciting and New in PowerGP Online?
May 1st @ 11:00AM MTN
Jet Reports, Power BI and Reporting in PowerGP Online
May 8th @ 11:00AM MTN
Ins and Outs of the PowerGP Online Editions
May 15th @ 11:00AM MTN
How Do Partners Make Money in the Cloud?
May 22nd @ 11:00AM MTN