Printing Shared Custom Reports in Dynamics GP 10.0
If you have a centralized Custom Reports dictionary (reports.dic) in a shared directory on a server and custom reports are not printing for a user, you may want to check the following:
Check to make sure the path to the custom report dictionary on the server is correct. Do this by going to Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>System>Edit Launch File. Click on Product ID Microsoft Dynamics GP. Under Dictionary Locations Reports check the path to the centralized reports dictionary.
Click on the folder icon to browse to the folder location and report. This will do two things. First, it confirms that you have access to that folder. Second, it will correctly set the path parameters. It is common when Manually setting up the path in the Dynamics.set file to use incorrect slash designators (“/” instead of “”) in the path name.
Another common issue when upgrading from a previous version to version 10….Check the user security settings. Version 10 security is “Pessimistic” in that security to functions is not granted and needs to be specifically assigned. (In prior versions security was “Optimistic” meaning that access to functions were granted and had to be specifically removed). It is common that security is not set up for the user correctly and they will still print GP standard reports because they do not have security to the custom report.
Reprinted from the Merit Matters Blog at